Clearance stock of winter shoes for children, made of genuine leather

Today we would like to show you a clearance stock of cheap winter footwear listed for sale by one of the European wholesalers. The lot consists of winter boots and trekking footwear made of natural leather, manufactured in Poland by Tripol.  (more…)

Cheap wholesale leather shoes pallets from Poland

Are you running a shoe shop and you need some supplies of shoes for the incoming seasons? This Polish wholesaler can offer you all sorts of winter, spring and summer shoes at competitive prices. All the footwear has been manufactured in Poland by the local producer.


Wholesale shoes, 14.000 pairs total to buy

A big deal on 14.000 pairs of wholesale shoes has been introduced by one of the wholesale suppliers. The stock includes various types of footwear, available in many different sizes.


Pony wholesale shoes stock lot for sale

This time, we have an offer of wholesale shoes for You, directly from Belgian wholesaler. Currently, he is able to offer 800 pairs of brand new footwear of Pony brand.
