Lots of wholesale handbags and purses for resale

Today we would like to present a European wholesale company that is specialised in distributing various kinds of women’s hand bags. With this exporter you can get bargain deals on both cheap and quality leather bags for ladies. The prices start from EUR 2.00 – 10.00 / bag. 

The company is based in Poland. It does business with both companies and private individuals. They also offer dropshipping services, and they accept payments by PayPal. You can download an xml file with all their products here. In the meantime, let us show you some example offers of bags listed by this wholesaler.

Cheap women’s handbags wholesale

PU leather handbags wholesale

PU leather handbags wholesale


SNAKE 2502 — this model of faux leather handbag for women is available in two colours: black and beige. It’s dimensions are 21 cm x 20 cm. It is a simple hand bag with one chamber, two inside pockets and one front pocket closed with a latch. It holds the A5 format.

These are cheap yet elegant handbags for ladies, offered for sale at only EUR 2.45 / piece. It is a line of brand new products, and the orders start from 1 piece only! Unlimited quantity available. The products come with tags and are ready for resale.

If you want to see more photos of the model, click here: LINK.


Faux leather briefcase bags for women

Wholesale of Eco leather briefcases for ladies

Eco leather briefcases for ladies


This is a model FB91 of briefcase type hand bags for ladies available in 3 colour combinations (see the photo), black, beige and white. The bags have the following dimensions: 23 cm height and 27 cm
width. The width of the bottom is 11 cm. The bags have 2 handles and a detachable strap of variable length adjustment from 66 cm to 132 cm. There are two inner pockets, including one with a zip fastener. One compartment is closed with a flap and twisted closure. The bag also holds the A5 format.

This model is available at higher price than the previous one. It is EUR 10.20 / bag.  More information and photos available here: LINK. At the same price, you can also order model FB87, which is slightly bigger  31 cm x 35 cm, and manufactured in a very similar fashion. See the link HERE.


The wholesaler offers international delivery or collecting the goods in person. The accepted payment methods are: bank transfer, in cash, payment online and PayPal. If you are interested in purchasing the bags, you need to contact the seller directly. You can use the website provided in the link below.