Wholesale-Great and fashionable women’s handbags, ideal for autumn

I just found a great offer for the current year season. This nice handbags are fashion designs from 2018.
There are several models and colours. The new collection of handbags and shoulder bags of Spanish brand for women.

The important thing about this, is the fact that all of them are made off synthetic imitation leather  with steel fittings. The best fashion handbags at the best price.
The seller offers 720 different Women’s bags. The minimum order is1 100 garments, and the total stock quantity is 100000 pieces. The seller is eager to discuss with you a discount price if you decide to purchase the whole stock.

The offer’s current price is GBP 5,99/piece

Although the seller makes it very easy for us to buy his products because he offers us payment options like :

-Bank transfer



Most  Important – The Wholesaller gives us the option of International delivery  so no matter where you life, you will have the option to buy his products.

Stock of handbags for women



WOMEN’S BAGS 5,99 € per pice

The seller is an import-export company from Spain, he offers a variety of wholesale goods and of course clothing and fashion accessories, so this sounds like a good deal.

If you want to see more photos of the products, or find more details about the offer, you can go to the page in the link below:

                                                                                                                                  *Click here*


Clearance stock of brand name clothing from a Bulgarian wholesaler

Today we would like to present a wholesale offer on a liquidation stock of women’s fashion clothing, footwear and accessories including an assortment of garments from the most popular European brands such as ZARA, Jack & Jones, Tom Tailor, Vero Moda, H&M  and many more.



Have you been wondering recently where you can buy licensed toys and film gadgets at low wholesale price? We might have an offer just for you. We would like to present you an online store liquidation stock of toys, film gadgets and sports articles of popular brands listed by a Polish company. All brand new, and in original packaging. (more…)