B2B model of supplies
There are lots of possibilities while considering purchasing a merchandise for further resale. Although the number of options, only one of them is purely offering a feature, which is desired in commerce. This feature is incomes’ magnification.
A b2b model is nothing more, then business relations between businesses, in contrary to e.g. business to consumer model (b2c), where the company trades with an end-user. It means that, both sides of a b2b deal are aware of the fact, that the product, brand or service will be delivered to the consumers later on, through the commerce chain.
Now, why the b2b wholesale trade is the most efficient model of having wholesale supplies? The key reason is, that there are no middlemen involved in the deal. Of course, one business or another might have used their services for researching the best possible contractor, but it is not a typical brokerage. It is an infobrokerage, or even an outsourcing of one of the divisions of the certain company. The deal, as given above, is being clinched without any other parties, directly between the buyer and the seller.
Such model gives the number of benefits for both sides. The manufacturer, the wholeseller and any other type of supplier, is being paid maximum value of the products, while buyer pays the minimal value. Howcome? Because there are no commisions or additional fees to be paid. One will not pay for an agent services, if he or she purchases e.g. wholesale footwear directly from the brand owner or a manufacturer. There is no place for any type of broker-services, especially these days, when sourcing information is really easy. Therefore, it is a pure and simple transaction, where buyer buys and seller sells.
That is also a key reason for implementing such model to the one’s business, and what’s important here, it’s applicable to each and every sector or branch. A business person, operating on a wholesale clothing market, might benefit from such strategy, as well as any proffesional services provider, a manufacturer or even a retailer. The only condition here is to buy in volume, as only by buying large quantities of products, the price can be as low as possible.