Dolce & Gabbana handbags wholesale clearance
This time, we would like to share with You a wholesale clearance deal, which might be very interesting for all buyers of luxury fashion products. One of the wholesalers is offering a clearance stock of Dolce & Gabbana handbags, and will accept even relatively small orders.
The minimal order for this wholesale clearance deal is just 15 handbags, and the total available amount is 1000 pieces. The wholesaler ensures, that all of these bags are new, and will be delivered in original boxes or packages, with authenticity cards.
Apart from shipping these wholesale handbags, the wholesaler is also opened for any visits in his warehouse. The warehouses of his are opened from Monday to Sunday, and the visits are possible by making an appointment with him.
The final important thing about this wholesale clearance deal, is that all prices can be negotiated. Still, the buyers who will order a major part of this job lot, will obviously be able to negotiate a bigger discount, but that’s how it works in wholesale industry.
There are some pictures of these Dolce & Gabbana handbags available, and to view them, just click this link.