Ed Hardy clothes closeout sale

The deal we found for You today has been listed by a Dutch wholesaler. According to the information stated in the offer, he has over 18.000 pcs of Ed Hardy clothes for sale. The products come from a bankruptcy in the Netherlands.

The whole lot includes 18633 pcs of Ed Hardy garments, in all available sizes, and is being offered as one big parcel. Because of that, this offer will rather be interesting for a stocklot buyer, as it requires a lot of space in the warehouse and money to invest.

ed hardy garments closeout stock

If You are interested in making a deal, then please ask the seller about the sanitized invoice, which is mentioned in the offer’s description. Just mind, that the sanitized invoice is not equal to the certificate of authenticity. Finally, You should also discuss a payment method with the supplier. The amount to buy is really big, therefore a letter of credit or other secure payment option should be seriously considered by all potential buyers.